Suck It Up

How a sponge city approach could help Aotearoa absorb the devastating impacts of our changing climate.

Suck It Up

How a sponge city approach could help Aotearoa absorb the devastating impacts of our changing climate.

The 100-year flood isn’t playing by the rules. As we face up against climate change, heavy rainfall is coming more often and intensely than ever, and our fast-developing cities can’t cope. The rain is diverted off our buildings, streets and carparks into an outdated stormwater network that wasn’t designed for such volume, resulting in major flooding. A solution is complex and multi-pronged, but sponge cities are a start. The idea is that by making our cities more absorbent through added green spaces, planting and lakes, they become more resilient to climate change. Here, we explore the revolutionary approach with a comic strip created by Here’s own Alex Scott. Commissioned by Mahi a Rongo The Helen Clark Foundation in partnership with WSP New Zealand, the illustrations accompany a report by Kali Mercier – it’s well worth a read.

Mahi a Rongo The Helen Clark Foundation


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