Favourite Things: Megan Wyper

Bit cute; bit gross: one couple celebrate their anniversary with matching signet rings.

Favourite Things: Megan Wyper

Bit cute; bit gross: one couple celebrate their anniversary with matching signet rings.

My husband and I have a terrible memory of when our early milestones hit. We’re pretty sure we got together in an October, engaged maybe the following year, and moved to Aotearoa maybe six months later? When we were purchasing our wedding rings, it was suggested that we engrave them with our wedding date so that it’s not left to our own hopeless memories.

We recently celebrated 10 years and decided that rings would be a lovely way to remember, much like with our wedding bands. We had both been eyeing up a signet-style ring, so seized the opportunity to get “matching” ones we would wear on our pinkies. When we hold hands, our rings are also together. Bit cute; bit gross.

Both rings are the same but different, happy and not too serious, much like us? Mark’s is from a UK jewellery designer, Alec Doherty, and mine is from local designer Camille Paloma Walton. Mine is a little different, as the eyes have coloured stones. I chose my and Mark’s birth stones: a green garnet and a blue stone. Again, it’s a bit cute.

Rings by Alec Doherty and Camille Paloma Walton

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